
Documenting the journey of a Cameroonian filmmaker

A Daddy’s letter to his little girl…(About her future husband)


I loved this letter so much and wanted to share it with you all! I hope we can all find some useful tips here to share not just with our girls… but also our boys.

Dear Cutie-Pie,

Recently, your mother and I were searching for an answer on Google. Halfway through entering the question, Google returned a list of the most popular searches in the world. Perched at the top of the list was “How to keep him interested.”

It startled me. I scanned several of the countless articles about how to be sexy and sexual, when to bring him a beer versus a sandwich, and the ways to make him feel smart and superior.

And I got angry.

Little One, it is not, has never been, and never will be your job to “keep him interested.”

Little One, your only task is to know deeply in your soul—in that unshakeable place that isn’t rattled by rejection and loss and ego—that you are worthy of interest. (If you can remember that everyone else is worthy of interest also, the battle of your life will be mostly won. But that is a letter for another day.)

If you can trust your worth in this way, you will be attractive in the most important sense of the word: you will attract a boy who is both capable of interest and who wants to spend his one life investing all of his interest in you.

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One comment on “A Daddy’s letter to his little girl…(About her future husband)

  1. bangoh
    June 19, 2013

    This is beautiful, it reminds me of a book I am writing for my daughter. Thanks for sharing this amazing article/letter. At last , words worth reading and advice worth sharing.

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This entry was posted on June 19, 2013 by in Uncategorized.